Thursday 11 August 2016

Chika Uwazie’s TalentBase: 3 Habits Which Leaders Should Have In Order to Improve Company Culture

Chika UwazieAs a leader, “all eyes are on you”; therefore you need to lead by example.  You have to become a person others want to follow, respect and admire. When it comes to attaining a healthy company culture, the actions and behaviour of a leader plays a huge role.
So what are the habits a leader has to adopt in order to improve company culture?
Here are some of them:
Be a trustworthy leader
healthy company culture is one where your employees trust you.
You can gain their trust by asking relevant questions about work life and listening to what they have to say. This shows you care about them and their job satisfaction.
Another way to gain your employees’ trust is by ensuring there is transparent communication in the workplace. This will help build a strong/healthy relationship with your employees, improve employee engagement and retentionwhich will in turn lead to business success.
Last but not the least; A trustworthy leader is one that is humble and a humble leader is one that;
  • Encourages employees to be a better version of themselves
  • Admits mistakes
  • Tends to employees’ needs
Be a fitness advocate
Sitting at a desk all day can be quite frustrating and very unhealthy (it is said to be linked to numerous diseases). According to the British journal of sports medicine, employees should move around at least two (2) hours out of the eight (8) working hours they have everyday.
Encourage your employees to move around more during lunch breaks/short breaks. Introduce light exercises like yoga and aerobics. Another great way to ensure your employees move around is to have meetings while walking instead of sitting (it sounds funny but it’s actually fun and great exercise).
Be flexible
A flexible leadership gives rise to efficiency, progress and innovation (the ingredients for business success). You should have an open mind so as to accommodate change and new ideas from your employees. This also helps to enhance your ability to work with a wide spectrum of people which helps with diversity in the workplace.
Remember that as a leader you have a responsibility to your business and to your workforce. Therefore, it is very important to find a balance between the two. Effective leadership will give rise to numerous positive results.

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