Wednesday 3 August 2016

Babafunke Bobo: Who is Behind Your Mind’s Wheel?

dreamstime_m_239236462016 seems to be one of the most challenging years yet, particularly the last few months. There has been so much evil all around the world, it’s almost incomprehensible.
Over the last two or so weeks, we’ve heard reports of attacks and violence – recorded both at home and abroad. The most shocking are those incidents of individuals who bring harm to the very ones they should love and protect, even to the point of wanting to give their lives. Stories of a brother killing his sister, a teenage son killing both his parents, a father chaining his nine year old son for days – unthinkable stuff
One cannot help but wonder, what is the cause? Could the world really be coming the an end? Or could it be that people are so frustrated, they don’t know of any other way to let off the steam? Or should we blame the internet/ social media revolution?
It may be one or all of these things; but whichever one it is, the baseline is always the same – it starts in the mind. The Book of Proverbs in the Bible was very apt with these words: ‘More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.’
Remember that no matter how tough things may appear to be for you, you have it better than some others and some others have it much worse off than you do. Put things in proper perspective and there will always be at least one thing to smile about.
What would a James Bond or any action movie be if all they did for the close to two hours was lie on the beach, watching the scenery and sipping some drinks?
Enjoy your journey, take charge and get behind the wheel of your mind. And while you’re at it, look out for your neighbour, they just might need a lift – you may be their Wonderwoman or Superman!

About Babafunke

Babafunke is a career woman living in Lagos. In the little time not sucked up by work, family is priority and everything else gets squeezed in. From time to time she makes notes on her thoughts, observations and that other ‘voice of wisdom’ that sounds in her head.

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